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The Forgotten Reef

Why The World Can’t Afford To Keep Losing Shellfish

On this episode of OzCast, Dr Dominic Mcafee looks beneath the surface at Australia’s lost shellfish reefs and our road to recover them back from the brink of extinction.  Dr McAfee is a marine ecologist at the University of Adelaide who has dedicated his career to the restoration of Australia’s oyster reefs. After stumbling across the topic while at university, he has become one of the leading names spearheading the revival methods taking place throughout Australia and overseas.  

  • The Conservation - Once the fish factories and ‘kidneys’ of colder seas, Australia’s decimated shellfish reefs are coming back

  • TEDx - Restoring the reefs we never knew we lost

    Dr. Dominic McAfee is working to restore the South Australia mud oyster reefs -- which once covered more than 1,500 kilometers of the country's coastline. His research focuses on how oysters can reduce the impacts of climate change on coastal ecosystems.

  • The Conservation - Playing sea soundscapes can summon thousands of baby oysters to help regrow oyster reefs

  • The Discovery Pod - Can we revive extinct ecosystems with music? Exploring the ocean orchestraINDAILY Podcast

    Exploring the ocean orchestra with Dr Dominic McAfee.

  • The Conservation - Baby oysters follow the crackling sound of snapping shrimp

    We played the crackling sound of snapping shrimp to baby oysters and discovered the oysters swim towards the sound.

  • The Conversation Podcast - Beavers and oysters are helping restore lost ecosystems with their engineering skills

    Beavers and oysters are helping restore lost ecosystems with their engineering skills.

  • The Conversation - How (and why) to stay optimistic when it feels like the environment is falling apart

    We took a deep dive into the literature from psychology, business, politics and communications disciplines, to understand how positive and negative thinking influence human engagement.

  • The Conversation - The surprising benefits of oysters (and no, it's not what you're thinking)

    “More than 90% of Australia’s shellfish reefs have been lost since European settlement. Unless they can be restored, we risk missing out on their many benefits.”

  • The Conversation - Huge restored reef aims to bring South Australia’s oysters back from the brink

    “This restoration project aims to pull our native mud oyster back from the brink of extinction in the wild, and restore a forgotten ecosystem that once teemed with marine life.”